Banned Adverts: American Apparel On Vice Magazine

banned adverts of american apparel featuring a female model who looked a like a child and with exposed nippleHere is another one of those banned adverts from U.K.. This time is a “provocative” fashion advert for American Apparel featuring a 23 year-old model who looked like a child and she exposed part of her nipple.
The banned adverts featured on the back cover of Vice magazine. The headline says: "FLEXFLEECE Ryan wears the classic unisex Flex Fleece zip hoody ...". Below were two rows each consisting of three photographs of a young looking girl wearing the hoody and looking directly at the camera. In the first row, she was wearing the hoody zipped up and appeared to be wearing underpants.
In the second row, she was wearing the hoody unzipped and was naked underneath. She was wearing underpants. In the last photograph, her left nipple was partially exposed.
The Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) said that the advert has to banned because the female model appeared under the age of 16. This banned advert was offensive and unsuitable to appear on the back of a free magazine that could be seen by anyone, including children. [source]
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