Banned Adverts: NH Hotel For Sexualising Children

banned adverts of nh hotel for sexualising childrenHere is another one of those banned adverts. This time is an internet banner ad showing a young girl posing in a bikini with her hand on her hip for Spanish NH Hotel and holiday group chain.
It has to be taken off after one person complained because it showed a young girl in a sexually provocative pose. The banned advert featured an adult woman appearing alongside a young girl, both wearing bikinis, under the headline: "The Organisers. Operation Bikini".
The campaign ran on with the strapline. According to NH Hoteles said that the image was part of a wider campaign, called Verano the Organisers, and the ad was about summer holiday reservations.
The ASA said that the young girl in the banned adverts was not shown in a "typical holiday scenario appropriate for her age". It was considered that the image was likely to be seen to sexualise children in an irresponsible manner and therefore to cause offence.
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